Sewing Level 1
Monitor: Ana Cardoso
08/01/2022 – 29/01/2022
Each student must bring their own sewing machine, sewing materials (needles, threads, buttons, zippers, fabrics, etc.) and drawing materials (tracing tailor paper or normal paper, notebook, pencil, eraser, ruler and set square ruler).

Total: 10h (4 sessions)

Each student must bring their own sewing machine to the workshop.

DSEDJ Course Code: 2110050002-0

Allowed use of DSEDJ Development and Continuous Improvement Program subsidy.

Contact the CPM headquarters for information on payment methods, if you do not use the subsidy granted by the PDAC / DSEDJ.

Total: 10 hours (4 sessions)


10h00 – 12h30

≥12 years old
431-478, Avenida Dr. Francisco Vieira Machado, Nam Fung Building, 13th Floor D – Room 1
10 participants
Portuguese, Cantonese and English
28, Pedro Nolasco da Silva Street , Macau