Monitor: André Chaves
08/01/2022 until 02/04/2022
Physical activity classes where we will use the weight of the body to develop the muscle condition in the lower and upper limbs and abdominal area


Total: 10 hours (10 sessions)

January: 8/29
Febuary: 5/12/19/26
March: 5/12/19
April: 2


DSEDJ Course Code: 2110200307-0

DSEDJ Continuous Education Subsidies can be used for the payment.

SPONSOR:Fundação Macau
Saturday: 10.45 – 11.45
From 18 to 70 years
431-478, Avenue Dr. Francisco Vieira Machado, Nam Fung Building, 8º Floor B – Room 2
15 participants per class
Portuguese and English
28, Pedro Nolasco da Silva Street , Macau