Adobe Lightroom Photo Editing
Monitor: David Lopo

10/01/2022 – 04/04/2022

Specialized program in photo editing, as well as storage and organization.

In this course we will cover basic concepts about editing a photograph, analyzing which tools are essential and their respective functionalities, in order to achieve an aesthetically uplifted and balanced final image.

In addition, we will learn to select and organize photographic collections in the most productive way, with the aim of making the whole process more efficient.

Total: 24 hours (12 sessions)


17.00 – 19.00

≥15 years old

431-478, Avenida Dr. Francisco Vieira Machado , Nam Fung Building, 14 Floor A – Room 3

MOP1,200 : Members

MOP1,400 : Non Members

10 participants

Portuguese and English
28, Pedro Nolasco da Silva Street , Macau